We offer qualified drivers & riders who want to make money through ride-hailing, food, and grocery delivery services the option of renting or owning a vehicle.
Are you a rider? Join our courier team today and earn money on your own terms.
START TODAYWe make it easy for you to get started without needing your own car.
With our process, it won’t take long until you get a vehicle on the road and generate revenue.
GET STARTEDSign up online and give us the details needed to reach out to you.
This will ensure we are the right fit for each other. The process is safe, simple, and secure.
This will guarantee your vehicle while we finish up the rest of the paperwork.
All that’s left is to sign our contract, making everything official. For ride-hailing services, sign up with Bolt. For food & grocery delivery, sign up with Bolt Food.
We will help you offer amazing ride-hailing, food, and grocery delivery services.